Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Eve

New Years Eve was also slept mostly away. I think David got up before me and cleaned the front room..I dont really remember so maybe I should blog when things happen so I can write them correctly. We hadnt made plans at all yet, I really wanted to go up to my dads friends house for a little bit. She hosts a party every year, they are all latin so they bring their latin foods. She has a dance floor in the basement with a huge stereo so after they eat all they can, they go dance it off all night! Its fun they do the limbo and force people who dont know how to salsa, to learn. Or at least try. The best part I think is to watch all the old people dancing. Ok so they arent that old, but to me they are!
Ryan who was originally planning on coming over, called and said he was going out with some girl he met once. We then decided to ride the bus up to Salt Lake and walk around temple square and the gateway and maybe see a movie. We were too hungry to wait to get to Salt Lake to eat so we decided to walk to Arctic Circle first and then maybe rent a movie. We were about a block away when I started getting really bad pains and cramps. They came and went just like I would imagine contractions would, and they HURT! Instead of turning back I just decided to keep waking, slowing down when they would come. By the time we got there the pains were just about gone and sitting down got rid of them completely!
The redbox is at the Mcdonalds which is even further than Arctic Circle and it was FREEZING but we decided to keep walking anyway. We got there and our card wouldnt work so we walked all the way up there for nothing! When we got home Ryan had called to say he chickened out and wasnt going to meet this girl after all and wanted to come over. So much for a quiet night alone for once.
He came over and we played Apples to Apples with just 3 people instead of the 4 your supposed to have. It worked out just fine and was fun all the same. We decided Mcdonalds breakfast sounded amazing so we stayed up till 6 when they start serving breakfast. David and Ryan went and I got in bed and fell asleep before they got back.
It was still relaxing to just stay home the rest of the night for New Years, even tho we didnt watch the ball drop or anything! I dont even remember looking at a clock in the 11 or 12 o clock hours, so I have no idea what we were even doing when the year switched over. Oh well!


At January 5, 2009 at 7:26 PM , Blogger Tiana Johnson said...

If your stomach feels as hard as your forehead when you touch it, that's a contraction. If it feels like your nose, it's not. I learned that in lamaze. I would take that class if I were you! Even if you get an epidural, that class is so informative and helpful.


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